Beginner’s Guide to Corporate Insolvency

– Business Guide – A beginner’s guide to ‘Corporate Insolvency’ that will make the difference when facing tough business decisions. This book shares the vital knowledge you need to succeed including how to recover debt. AVAILABLE NOW!

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Why winding up petitions are more efficient than county courts

Why winding up petitions are more efficient than county courts

We recently spoke with a client who for the previous three months had been chasing a customer with an outstanding invoice of just over £50,000. The client was considering litigation in the county court to retrieve the money and I suggested that a quicker and more cost-effective route might be to issue a winding-up petition.…

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How to ensure your winding up petition is not dismissed or withdrawn

Ensure your winding up petition is not dismissed

Some time ago, we presented a winding up petition to a company that owed one of our clients £50k. Upon receipt, the respondent company threatened to apply for a court injunction to restrain us from proceeding and dismiss the petition on the grounds the debt was disputed. The respondent company falsely alleged that £49k of…

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Winding Up Petitions Increase, But Are They Being Served Correctly?

Winding up petitions issued by creditors against firms based in Central London increased by 39 per cent in October 2010 compared with 10.5 percent in the rest of the country, a new study has revealed. The increase is simply a reflection of the government cutbacks and will probably continue throughout 2011. It’s also evidence that…

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A Winding UP Petition Doesn’t Have to Signal the End of Your Business

The vast majority of winding up petitions heard in British courts over the past 12 months were presented by HMRC and usually relate to VAT, PAYE arrears or failure of a Time to Pay arrangement. However, receiving a winding up petition from HMRC doesn’t necessarily signal the end of your business. Usually, petitions are preceded…

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Winding Up Petitions Are the Way Forward for Creditors

In recent years, it has become popular for creditors to issue winding up petitions as a method of debt recovery. It’s something I’d recommend simply because debt recovery laws in the UK are toothless; they don’t bite. If a company owes its creditors money, the creditor will go to county court and get a county…

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